
What is formula?

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– Most infant formula is prepared from cow’s milk, vitamins, and minerals, and is a breast milk alternative made from a particular dried milk powder.

– Babies are fed formula mixed with cooled boiling water in a bottle or cup.

– During the first six months of a baby’s life, the nutrients in the formula help them grow.

– They can begin eating solids after they reach the age of six months, but they should not consume ordinary cow’s milk until they are at least twelve months old.

– Formula can be given to your infant for the first 12 months of his or her life.

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Which food contains the most energy?

Your baby needs good amounts of energy, especially in their growth stages. Simply put, energy density is the number of calories (energy) in a specific amount of food. Energy-dense foods have a large number of calories per serving. Energy density is determined by the proportion of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates), fiber, and water. Foods that […]

What is the daily protein requirement of a toddler?

Protein plays an essential role in many bodily functions, including building up muscles and other tissues, and recovery and repair of tissues in the muscles, skin, organs, blood, hair, and nails. Hence, protein should be a major part of the diet of your little toddler. Your toddler’s diet should contain approximately 2gm/kg body weight of […]

What is the recommended daily requirement of Calcium and Vitamin D3?

Your child will need more calcium as they grow to support their growing bones. One to three-year-olds needs 500 to 800 mg of calcium per day. This could be provided to toddlers through milk and milk products, ragi porridge, lotus seeds, drumsticks (moringa), etc to name a few. If a child is having enough vitamin […]

What are the foods rich in Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is present in food items which are rich in beta-carotene. This beta-carotene gets converted in the body into retinol, a type of Vitamin A. Hence, it’s essential to include good sources of beta-carotene in your diet. The main food sources of beta-carotene are: – Yellow, red, and green (leafy) vegetables, such as spinach, […]

How can a poor diet affect my child’s health?

A poor diet is likely to have long-term effects on your child’s health. Bad meal practices like picky eating, junk eating, using screens during meals, etc. are likely to increase the risk of nutritional deficiency and malnutrition. It can affect the physical growth of your child, leading to problems like being underweight, overweight, not gaining […]

How to involve your kids completely while having food?

– Children naturally have low attention spans, and they usually like playing more than eating. – Hence, instead of focusing on what your child eats every single day it’s better to ensure they’re eating well throughout the course of a week or so, and that they’re following their growth curve when visiting the doctor. – […]

What micronutrients are needed in my child’s diet?

Macro and micronutrients make up all of the nutrients in our diet. Your baby needs these nutrients as much as you do. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, fat, and protein, and micronutrients refer to vitamins and minerals. A steady supply of vitamins and minerals from the diet is necessary for optimal growth and function. For your toddler’s […]

What are the Signs of ‘Too Little Feeding’ in a 1 month old baby?

The following are some potential feeding-related indicators that should be discussed with your pediatrician: – Underfeeding: If your baby is breastfed, they will stop eating after 10 minutes or fewer.– Your baby is taking fewer than 6 feeds per day. – Your baby is not passing urine 6-8 times per day. If they have started […]

What are the symptoms of illness in babies?

– Persistent high-grade fever– Breathing problems or a runny nose– Eye discharge, watery, red, or swollen eyes– Mouth breathing is common, especially at night, when clear mucus is coughed out with a hacking, dry cough.– Wheezing– Itchy eyes, skin, throat, and mouth roof– Excessive weariness, irritation, or restlessness, loss of appetite, and lack of interest […]

What is the source of Nutrition for my baby?

Up to 6 months of age, your baby’s complete nutritional needs are fulfilled by breastmilk or formula milk. Start with solids at six months to support breast milk or formula milk for the overall development of your baby. Offer your baby a wide variety of foods including dairy products, staple foods, local and seasonal fruits, […]

What kind of reactions are caused by chemicals added in foods?

Food allergies are sometimes wrongly diagnosed as reactions to food-chemicals like colors or preservatives. While some babies may be sensitive to particular food additives, allergies to them are rare. – Food poisoning is usually caused by microorganisms in rotten or undercooked food; food poisoning can induce diarrhea or vomiting. – Certain components in soda and […]

What should be the feeding pattern for my baby?

During the first month, breastfed babies begin to root (reflexively turn toward the breast) or put their fists in their mouth and start sucking, indicating an interest in feeding. It’s easier to persuade the baby to latch on and eat when they are showing early symptoms of rooting or lip-smacking. Crying is a late-appearing sign […]

What should I offer my baby at snack times?

Instead of thinking of snacks as junk food, see them as an opportunity to include a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy, lean meat, poultry, and seafood that your infant requires. Try to offer snacks that can be eaten rather than sipped (unless your child is unwell and unable to eat regularly), because […]

How do I create boundaries with my nursing child?

Some toddlers want to nurse most of the time. If that’s the case, remember that they will eventually break the habit naturally. However, if you need some space between feedings, that’s completely okay. It’s understandable to create boundaries in such cases. The following are ways you can create boundaries: – You can do this by […]

Should I nurse at night?

As a parent, you should set your nursing time at your convenience while ensuring that your baby is not underfed. Some parents only nurse during the daytime, which is fine. However, many toddlers want to nurse at night. Many toddlers do not need breastfeeding during the daytime and would prefer feeding at night. They require […]

How to wean from nighttime nursing?

You can begin night-weaning your child (not nursing at night). Gradually substitute night-time sessions with water, back rubs, and other soothing techniques. Sometimes, having a partner take over for a few nights could help. Avoid substituting nighttime nursing with bottle feeding, as it has harmful effects and it doesn’t lead to night weaning. If night-weaning […]

What are the benefits of traditional weaning?

The best part of traditional weaning is that you do not have to worry about your baby getting enough nutrients from their food. Although the major source of nutrition for your baby until 1 year is breastmilk/formula. Certain nutrients are required in more amounts than can be found in breast milk/formula. Hence, with traditional weaning, […]

How do I encourage my kids to eat and not pressurize them during meals?

Bring your child into the kitchen with you as you prepare meals. Encourage them to smell, touch, and observe different foods. You can even let them help you cook! Actions that use motor skills, such as stirring, pouring, or shaking, are all fair game for toddlers (under supervision). Your child’s desire to do things by […]

How and when should I introduce new foods to my toddler?

Introducing new foods helps your child eat a healthy diet and develop a broad palate. Stick to one new food per day so that they aren’t overwhelmed by the variety. If your toddler shows no interest in newly offered food, continue to offer it in different ways over the next few days and weeks. This […]

How can I make mealtime a family affair?

Make your toddler feel relaxed and included at mealtimes by creating a pleasant, undistracted environment whenever possible. Making separate meals for your little eater can give the impression that there’s a difference between their food and an adult’s food, so avoid this. Don’t let your child watch TV during meals because it will take his […]

What are some attractive meal and snack ideas for my child?

Making food attractive is the key to developing your child’s interest in food. Here are a few suggestions on how you can make artistic food for your child: – Use cookie cutters to cut fruits and veggies into various shapes. – Buy a pack of edible googly eyes to add to foods. – Arrange food […]

How much milk should I feed my one-year old toddler?

Toddlers (one year old and above) should drink about 2 to 3 cups of cow’s milk (the equivalent of about two servings of dairy) each day, amounting to no more than 300 mL in a 24-hour period. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Some toddlers do not like milk and in that case, they should […]

How do I transition my toddler from breast milk to cow’s milk?

If your toddler is struggling to make the transition from formula or breast milk to cow’s milk, try serving it mixed. Offer breast milk or formula blended in with cow’s milk to help your little one get used to the new taste and consistency, gradually increasing the amount of cow’s milk in his sippy cup. […]

What should I do when my child refuses to eat solid foods?

It’s recommended that toddlers consume solid foods before breastfeeding. You can follow some of these ways to ensure that they eat solids and do not just depend on breastfeeding. – Ensure that your child is hungry at mealtime and has not snacked recently. – Give your child healthy and attractive food. Try combining their favorite […]

Which foods can cause choking hazards?

Children don’t learn to chew with a grinding motion until they’re about four years old. Anything you give your child should be mashed with their hands or cut into small, easily chewable pieces. Do not use a mixer or grinder to mash the food. Do not offer them peanuts, whole grapes, cherry tomatoes (unless they’re […]

What are bad eating habits?

It’s important to have your child practice healthy mealtime practices early on. Here are some bad meal practices to avoid as your child is growing: – Making poor meal plans for them. – Having meals in front of the screen. – Eating most meals away from home. – Adding too many spices, sugars, or salts […]

Which are the foods rich in Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is antioxidant and vital to maintain overall health. It helps boost your little one’s immune system too. Here are some foods rich in Vitamin C: – Indian gooseberry (Amla)– Citrus fruits, such as limes, oranges, and lemons– Tomatoes and tomato juice– Potatoes– Green and red peppers– Kiwifruit, strawberries, and cantaloupes– Green leafy vegetables […]

How do I know if my baby is getting enough feedings?

Here are the indications to determine if your baby is getting enough to eat: Feeding:– Your baby is sleeping well after each breastfeeding or formula feed.– Your baby passes urine 5-6 times or more in 24 hrs.– Your baby gains approximately 800 g to 1500 g weight in a month. – Your baby’s weight doubles […]

How do I know if my child has a food allergy?

When introducing new food to your baby, always start with offering small quantity to check for any allergies. Foods like eggs, mushrooms, fish or dairy products tend to have allergic reactions, but such reactions are common when these foods are fed for the first time. Some symptoms like abdominal cramps, vomiting, loose stools, and skin […]

What are the food options for 8 to 12 month old baby?

Here’s a list of items that can be included in the diet of an 8-12 month-old baby is as follows: Fruits: Cooked and pureed dry fruits, boiled mashed apples, ripe bananas, muskmelon, chikoo, papaya, grapes, mangoes, black raisins, and dates. Vegetables: Boiled and peeled carrots and pumpkins, green leafy veggies, sweet potatoes, beets, peas, cooked […]

How do I know when my baby is hungry?

When your baby demands feeding, it is important to feed them. However, doctors recommend inculcating a habit of feeding on a schedule. Here are some points to remember: – Do not wait till the baby cries for food. Look for early hunger cues in your baby. The sooner you offer them feeding, the better. – […]

How do I know if my baby is too full?

Generally, babies eat the right amount by themselves. However, sometimes they may eat more than required. Bottle-fed babies are more likely to overeat because it’s easier to feed from a bottle than breastfeeding. Here are some indications that your baby may be too full: – Your baby moves the bottle or breast away.– They seem […]

How can I reduce my baby’s exposure to toxic metals?

– Always read food labels carefully. Multi-ingredient baby food blends may be a good option. Keep in mind though, that many of them use the same first or second ingredient. In some recipes, such as kale/pear and spinach/pumpkin, sweet potatoes may be the first ingredient. – Opt for a variety of cereals. Rice cereal can […]

How many times does a 2 month old baby takes milk?

If your baby is being breastfed exclusively, then feed on demand. There are no maximum counts but a minimum of 6-8 times a day is recommended. If your baby is being formula-fed, then also feeding on demand is the key. Increase the milk gradually as per the demand of the baby. For instance, offer your […]

How many times does a 2 week baby take milk?

Every baby is different. Some prefer to nibble more often, while others prefer to drink more at once and wait a long time between feedings. If your baby is being breastfed exclusively, then feed on demand. There are no maximum counts but a minimum of 6-8 times a day is recommended. If your baby is […]

How many ml or ounces milk is to be given after first month?

– After the first month, your baby is likely to drink 4 ounces of milk every 4 hours (on average). – Their feeding will steadily increase. By six months of age, they will drink 6-8 ounces (180–240 ml) about 4-5 times a day. – Another way to think about normal consumption is by weight; your […]

How many ml or ounces of milk is to be given to newborns?

– Formula-fed babies, like breastfed babies, may start gently for 2 to 3 days, taking only 1-2 ounces (30-60 ml) at a time. – After the first 2–3 days of birth, they’ll most likely drink 2–3 ounces (60-90 ml) every 3-4 hours. – Your baby may sleep for 4-5 hours between feeds sometimes, but they […]

Should I give my baby juice after 12 Months?

After 12 months (and up to 3 yrs.), only provide 100 percent fruit juice and no more than 4 ounces per day. It should be a fresh, homemade juice made using local, seasonal fruit, rather than a manufactured juice. Serve the juice in a cup rather than a bottle. To avoid tooth decay, do not […]

What are the hunger cues in babies?

Scheduled feedings as indicated by your pediatrician are best for premature babies or babies having any kind of medical issues. For full-term healthy babies, check for hunger cues instead of following the clock. This type of feeding is called “on-demand feeding” or “responsive feeding”. When a newborn is hungry, they often cry. However, it’s ideal […]

What are the important points to keep in mind about feeding?

Both formula feeding and breastfeeding should be done according to the baby’s demand. Look for early hunger cues in your baby. Do not let your baby reach the later stage of hunger cues as the baby might become inconsolable at this stage and may not feed properly. For the first six months, no other food […]

Does my baby need water after 6 Months?

Your baby does not need water for the first 6 months of life as only breastfeeding or formula-feeding is enough. Milk contains enough water to quench their thirst. Post 6 months, when you start feeding them solid foods, it’s okay to introduce water in small quantities. Try to give them water in a sippy cup, […]

What are the Signs of ‘Over Feeding’ in a 1 month old baby?

As your baby gets older and starts eating more solid foods, they will naturally want less breastmilk or formula milk. Remember not to overfeed the infant with formula as they are also eating solid foods. Some potential feeding-related indications to discuss with your pediatrician include: – Overfeeding (Breastfeeding makes it difficult to overfeed, but formula-feeding […]

What kinds of diseases are caused by a dietary deficiency of essential nutrients?

A deficiency of essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals in food can lead to various kinds of illnesses for the child, either in childhood or later in life. Here are some diseases associated with common diet deficiencies: – Osteoporosis (Due to deficiency of Calcium).– Goitre (Deficiency of Iodine)– Anemia (Deficiency of Iron, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin […]

What are the Foods that may cause Food Allergies

Food allergies can be caused by any food, but the following are the most common foods that cause allergies in babies: – Eggs– Peanuts– Soy– Wheat– Cow’s milk– Tree nuts (walnuts, pistachios, pecans, and cashews)– Fish (tuna, salmon, cod)– Shellfish (like shrimp, lobster)– The most severe responses can be caused by foods including peanuts, nuts, […]

What happens when babies are overfed?

Overfed babies are more likely to develop obesity later in life. Likewise overfeeding leads to several issues such as stomach pain, gas, spit up, or vomiting. It’s better to offer your baby less food since you can always offer more if your baby asks for it. This also helps babies recognize when they’ve had their […]

What should I do if my baby isn’t gaining enough weight?

If your baby isn’t gaining weight after 6 months despite drinking enough milk, see a pediatrician to check their growth chart and rule out any other health issues. After 6 months, the rate of weight increase normally slows down, and the baby may lose weight after weaning begins. But don’t worry, your baby will catch […]

What is the source of feeding during 12 months?

For the first 6 months, breastmilk or formula should be your child’s ONLY source of nutrition. At 6 months of age, you can gradually introduce water and solid foods to your child’s diet. Alongside solid foods, WHO recommends continuing breastfeeding until 2 years of age or beyond, unless weaning happens naturally. When you introduce solid […]

What to Feed your 9 to 11 months old baby?

– At 9 months and above, your baby has matured enough to mash solid foods with their gums. Offer your baby a wide variety of cooked food including staple foods, dairy products, fruits, and veggies 3 times a day along with 2-3 healthy snacks in between. – Instead of mashing soft foods, cut them into […]

Does your baby need hypoallergenic formula?

Some babies have severe allergic reactions to milk proteins and some foods. Usually, such cases are quite rare. If you are still concerned about your baby having any such allergic reactions, then look for the following signs and symptoms – eczema, diarrhea, vomiting, wheezing, colic, or extreme irritability. Consult your pediatrician before coming to any […]

What to feed non-breastfed babies?

– Your baby will need to eat more frequently if you aren’t breastfeeding them. You should supplement their diet with formula along with dairy products to meet their nutritional requirements. – At 6 months of age, start giving your baby solid foods, just as a breastfed infant would. – Start with 2-3 spoonfuls of soft, […]

What is baby led weaning? (BLW) – All that you need to know.

Baby-led weaning is a method of introducing solid foods to your baby by offering them soft bite-sized foods that they pick up, play with, and eventually put in their mouth – all with their own hands. BLW focusses on letting the baby explore the smell, touch, texture, color, and taste of the food with their […]

How to offer food to your 12 month old?

By 12 months of age, your baby is able to mash small pieces of food with their gums and whatever teeth that they have grown. It’s safe and recommended to offer a variety of foods to your baby at this stage. Your baby requires 1000 calories each day along with plenty of calcium, iron, vitamins […]

How to proceed with Baby-led weaning for a 9-11 month old babies?

BLW or Baby-led weaning is a method of introducing solid foods to your baby by offering them soft bite-sized foods that they pick up, play with, and eventually put in their mouth – all with their own hands. By 9 months, your baby has mastered the pincer grasp which is the ability to hold anything […]

Are babies at a risk of choking with Baby-led weaning?

The biggest fear of parents regarding baby-led weaning is ‘choking’. Most parents think that giving solid foods directly to their babies is not safe. However, several studies have proven that this is not true. Regardless of the feeding method, babies have the same risk of choking. That said, it is extremely important to go through […]

When should you not proceed with baby-led weaning?

The appropriate age for starting with baby-led weaning is 6 not start with Baby-led weaning any time before that. Some parents feel pressured to start with Baby-led weaning and may not be very confident about starting with solids directly. It’s a good idea to start with purees first if you really feel nervous about […]

What foods are considered a ‘choking hazard’ in Baby-led weaning?

In Baby Led Weaning, most solid foods are acceptable as long as they are steamed/cooked/baked and sliced or cut into bite-sized pieces. However, some foods are still considered choking hazards until your baby’s molar teeth appear. These foods must strictly be kept away from your baby until 12 months. The foods that are considered choking […]

What is better – Purees or Baby-led weaning?

Most studies show that baby-led weaning is a great option and has some advantages over traditional weaning aka purees. However, no research states that purees are not good enough. Food is food. There is no such thing as bad food as long as the said food is fresh, carefully and hygienically prepared, and nutritious. The […]

What are the advantages of Baby-led weaning?

Several studies show that baby led weaning is a great alternative to traditional weaning. Some of the advantages of Baby-led weaning include – Time-saving and so easy – you don’t have to cook meals separately for your baby, whatever you eat, they eat. It is also less messy. Not so expensive – baby food is […]

How to start Baby-led weaning with 6-8 month old babies?

The biggest fear of parents regarding baby-led weaning is ‘choking’. Most parents think that giving solid foods directly to their babies is not safe. However, several studies have proven that this is not true. Regardless of the feeding method, babies have the same risk of choking. That said, it is extremely important to go through […]

Can you combine Baby-led weaning and Traditional Weaning?

Combining Baby-led weaning and traditional weaning aka purees is a great idea. Especially for parents who are nervous about starting solids directly. One way to combine traditional weaning and Baby-led weaning is to offer solid foods once a day in the beginning and feeding purees the other times. Another way is to feed purees when […]

What are the great first foods for Baby-led weaning?

The whole point of baby led weaning is to introduce your baby to the foods from your family pot as soon as possible – from 6 months typically. However, there are some exceptional foods that make great first foods for your baby as they are rich in nutrients and beneficial for your rapidly growing baby. […]

What to feed a sick toddler?

A sick child can be a sad sight. Ensuring that a sick toddler feeds well is very crucial for the recovery of the child. Some suggestions for feeding your sick toddlers are as follows: Breastfeeding- Many toddlers seek to breastfeed more than usual when they are sick. This will ensure that they get the required […]

How to introduce green beans to babies?

Green beans are a powerhouse of nutrition and offer your baby a wide range of benefits in the form of vitamins A, K, and C and protein. It is safe to offer your baby green beans only after they turn 6 months old. For a 6-month-old baby starting with solids, offer well-cooked or boiled green […]

Are almonds good for your baby?

Monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, fiber, phytonutrients, biotin, minerals, and trace minerals – almonds have them all. They aid in the healthy development of your baby and adding almonds to your baby’s diet as part of a balanced diet is a good choice. Avoid giving whole almonds to babies under the age of 5 as they […]

How to give fruits to your infant?

The best way to give your baby the benefits of fruits is to give them fresh, well-washed, and bite-sized or mashed fruits after 6 months of age. Bananas, papayas, and apples should be mashed and then given to your baby from 6 months. Whereas ripe fruits like chikoo, mangoes, strawberries, and cherries should be cut […]

Why should you include raisins in your baby’s diet and how to do so?

Raisins are a powerhouse of nutrition. In addition to being a natural laxative and low in fats, raisins are rich in iron, vitamins, and minerals. You can give your baby raisins starting from 6 months onwards. No matter how nutritious raisins are, never give your baby whole raisins as they are a choking hazard. The […]

Why might I give my baby formula?

– Not all mothers can breastfeed: some will be unable to make enough milk for their baby’s needs, whereas others have a health problem or be taking medication that prohibits them from doing so. – Infant formula is a healthful alternative for mothers who are unable or unable to breastfeed. The formula offers the nutrition […]

Delicious Indian recipes for 9-12 month olds.

Just give your baby the saltless, spiceless, and sugarless version of the foods you eat. It makes less mess, consumes no extra time and your baby will be a less fussy eater if you give them foods from the family pot early on. Let the baby eat by themselves by exploring food. Remember, touching, exploring, […]

When to introduce pumpkin in your baby’s diet and how to do so?

Loaded with vitamins A, E, B6, C, folate, iron, and potassium along with several other nutrients, pumpkin is a great first food for your baby. There are several ways in which you can add pumpkin to your baby’s diet. Pumpkin and wheat Dalia porridge, mashed pumpkin puree with any other choice of veggies or fruits, […]

What foods to give your baby during fever?

Soup with veggies and lentils, chicken broth or other nutritious broths, moong dal khichdi, apple, oatmeal porridge, boiled and mashed veggies, and mashed curd rice. Remember your baby is coping with their health both physically and mentally. They need nourishment along with some extra love and care. Freshly prepared homemade foods that are both easy […]

These common foods are bad for your baby’s development.

Honey is a very nutritious food but not for babies. Babies consuming honey under the age of 1 can develop botulism which is a very serious illness. Salt is not good for babies under the age of 1 and can affect the kidneys due to high solute load. Sugar is not needed by babies under […]

Why should you never force-feed your baby?

As parents, we resort to force-feeding when we have a notion that the child isn’t eating adequately. However, force-feeding will harm your child’s physical, emotional, and psychological health which may last a lifetime. In the short term, force-feeding leads to vomiting, under-eating issues, irritability, food disorders, and an upset stomach. In the long run, your […]

How to safely freeze baby food? The do’s and don’ts

Freezing baby food saves time and also prevents nutrient loss as compared to fresh foods that are not consumed immediately and are left at room temperature. Most types of baby foods can be frozen. Purees, cooked or boiled veggies or meats, fruits, etc. can all be stored in the freezer. However, it’s good to always […]

What foods are good for your baby during diarrhea?

Fresh fruits such as bananas, steamed apples, strawberries, and chicks are good for your baby during diarrhea. Offer foods made of white rice, oatmeal, Dalia, and moong dal khichdi alongside yogurt and plenty of water. Chapati mashed in the yellow dal is also a good option. So are chicken broth and well-cooked or boiled eggs. […]

How to offer a baby a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, etc?

When you start feeding your baby solid foods, it can be difficult to make sure your child is getting all of the vitamins and minerals that they need for development. Try to balance their nutrition over a week. Offer your baby a variety of foods from all food groups including whole grains, veggies, fruits, nuts, […]

How many meals do babies have at 10 – 12 months?

Every day, your baby needs 3 meals and 1-2 healthy snacks, as well as on-demand breastfeeding. If they do not breastfeed, then formula should be given 2-3 times a day (100-120 ml each) is sufficient.Providing too much milk will decrease the consumption of solid foods Expect your child to miss meals on occasion. Many parents […]

What are the top finger foods for 6-9 month olds?

The following are excellent choices as finger foods for 6-9-month-old babies. Sliced banana, sliced strawberry, sliced chikoo, sliced mangoes or melons, breadsticks with smooth peanut butter or nut butter, sliced chapati with smooth nut/peanut butter, pitta bread or naan bread sliced, soft cooked cauliflower, broccoli, bell peppers, carrots, turnip, green beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, […]

How should I start feeding my baby solid food?

– When your child shows signs of hunger, such as placing their hands in their mouth, feed them. – Start by giving 2-3 spoonfuls of soft food twice a day. – Start with one food (dal water or rice kanji), then add a second food after 4-5 days to get the infant acquainted with the […]

How to start early good eating habits?

– It’s important for your baby to become accustomed to the feeding process, which includes sitting up, eating from a spoon, pausing between bites, and stopping when full. These early experiences will aid your child in developing healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. – From the first feeding, encourage family meals. When you […]

How do you hydrate a sick toddler?

Have an oral rehydration solution on hand at all times. These are available in liquids, popsicles, and powders. While using powders to make an oral rehydration solution, follow the instructions to prepare the packet carefully and correctly. You can also make a homemade oral rehydration solution, by adding 1 spoon of sugar and a pinch […]

Benefits of Infant massage to the Parents

– It encourages parental bonding with the baby from the beginning. – It increases the parent’s attachment to the baby. It helps in understanding the baby’s cues for various needs like hunger, etc. – It is a good medium to enhance communication and emotional bond between the baby and the parent. It is a good […]

What are the Dos of infant massaging?

– Either of the parents can do the massage for the baby. Any other family member can also do it. Avoid appointing an outside person for Massaging, as one is not aware of the hygiene of the appointed person. – Wash hands with soap before the massage. Use a clean washed cotton cloth and spread […]

What are the Don’ts of infant massaging?

– Do not tap on the anterior fontanelle of the baby. The anterior fontanelle is that part of the head, where the baby doesn’t have bone cover and hence the brain is directly exposed. In such a situation, tapping the area with oil can be harmful to the baby’s brain. – Do not put oil […]

What are the different types of baby formula?

Cow’s milk is used in milk-based formulations, along with vegetable oils, iron, vitamins, and minerals. Soy-based products have added vegetable oils and minerals and are manufactured from soybeans. There are also a variety of hypoallergenic formulas available, which are manufactured from cow’s milk that has been ‘predigested’ and the protein removed or decreased. Formula may […]

Can curd increase mucus?

No, it’s not true. Dairy products don’t cause the body to produce more mucus. Some people say that after a drink of milk, their throat feels coated with milk and they want to cough. However, research suggests that it’s the consistency of milk that gives the sensation of it coating the throat, and it is […]

Steps for Infant Massage

Steps for infant massage: – Gently stroke the baby’s head, and smoothly massage the baby’s forehead in the horizontal direction with two fingers, starting at the center.– Make tiny circles on the cheek with two fingers. Make small circles around the baby’s jaw, and massage around the lips. – Using your hands, gently stroke the […]

Benefits of Massage to the baby

– Infant massage provides tactile stimulation (stimulation with touch) which is part of multisensory stimulation promoting a baby’s development and well-being. – It also benefits the blood circulation and respiration of the baby. – It improves the tone of muscles and strengthens the muscles and thus stimulates motor development of the baby. – It stimulates […]

What are other Hunger Cues of the baby?

Scheduled feedings, as indicated by your pediatrician, are best for children born prematurely or with medical issues. Check your baby for hunger cues (instead of the clock) if the baby is a healthy and full-term infant. This type of feeding is called “feeding on demand” or “responsive feeding”. When a newborn is hungry, he or […]

What are the symptoms of a Food Allergy?

When the body reacts to non-toxic proteins contained in meals, it is called a food allergy. These reactions usually occur quickly after a meal has been consumed. Food allergies can be minor or severe. Since there are so many things that might be mistaken for food allergies, parents must understand the differences. Here are some […]

How should I feed my baby with solid food?

.When your child shows signs of hunger, such as placing their hands in their mouth, feed them. Start by giving 2-3 spoonfuls of soft food twice a day. Start with one food (dal water or rice kanji), then add a second food after 4-5 days to get the infant acquainted with the flavor. Because their […]