A deficiency of essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals in food can lead to various kinds of illnesses for the child, either in childhood or later in life.
Here are some diseases associated with common diet deficiencies:
– Osteoporosis (Due to deficiency of Calcium).
– Goitre (Deficiency of Iodine)
– Anemia (Deficiency of Iron, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B1-
– Pellagra (Deficiency of Vitamin B3 – Niacin)
– Scurvy (Deficiency of Vitamin C)
– Beriberi (Deficiency of Vitamin B-
– Hemorrhage (Deficiency of Vitamin K)
– Hyperkeratosis (Deficiency of Vitamin A)
– Hypoglycemia (Deficiency of carbohydrates)
– Marasmus/Kwashiorkor (Deficiency of proteins)