Every day, make sure your child gets a variety of foodstuff from each of the five food groups: vegetables, fruit, lean meat, fish, poultry, or meat alternatives; grains and cereal; and milk, cheese, yogurt, and dairy alternatives.
You can start giving them food before their milk feeds as early as 9 months. This will allow your infant to gradually reduce their milk consumption. Don’t just focus on the quantity consumed by the baby but also ensure that you offer a variety of foods to them. Avoid the use of screens like TV, Mobile, etc during meals.
Let the baby eat by themselves. Include three or four portions of carbohydrates (potato, rice, bread), three or four servings of fruit and vegetables, two servings of protein (meat, fish, eggs, dairy), and a healthy snack or two. This is pretty much how they’ll eat until they’re around two years old, and their finger-food skills will continue to improve. Allow them to feed themselves with a baby spoon now – it will, of course, be slow and messy at first!