– From 1-3 months your baby needs frequent feedings. Feed your baby only breastmilk or formula or a combination of both every two hours or earlier if the baby demands it. Monitor wet and dirty diapers to get an idea of your baby’s feedings. At this age, it should be 4-5 wet diapers and 0-3 dirty diapers.
– From 4-6 months, feed your baby only breastmilk or formula or a combination of both. Feed your baby on demand or every 3-4 hours. In the 6th month, offer yellow dal water and pureed fruits and veggies. From 6-9 months, offer a variety of foods, sliced soft fruits, and cooked or steamed veggies, just make sure that whatever food you offer is thoroughly cooked and can be mashed by gums alone. Breastfeed or give formula at least 5-6 times.
– From 10-12 months, give baby solid foods that are well-cooked and cut into bite-sized pieces along with sliced soft fruits. Breastfeed or formula-feed your infant at least 3-4 times a day at this age. Remember that breastmilk/formula should be your baby’s major source of nutrition till 1 year.