– Your baby is sleeping well after each breastfeeding or formula feed.
– Your baby passes urine 5-6 times or more in 24 hrs.
– Your baby gains approximately 800 g to 1500 g weight in a month.
– Your baby’s weight doubles in 4 months.
(The feeding duration can be varied from 10-30 min.)
Daily Stool & Urine frequency:
– A baby should pass urine 4-6 times per day in the first few days following delivery.
– A newborn should pass urine 12-20 times every day after the first 4 to 5 days.
– Stool-passing frequency could vary depending on whether your baby is breastfed or formula-fed. Sometimes the baby may pass stools 2-3 times a day and sometimes they may not pass stools for 2 days at all. Both are fine, but the stools should not be hard.
Growth Charts:
– Your pediatrician will examine your baby’s weight and plot it on a growth chart at frequent health check-ups. This health chart with its health-development percentile indicates if your baby is fed sufficiently.
When introducing new food to your baby, always start by offering a small quantity to check for any allergies.