Symptoms of a hungry baby
Keep an eye out for these signs that your baby is hungry, and feed them right away:
a. Bringing fists to the lips
b. Turning head to find the breast
c. Being more active and observant
d. Sucking hands or smacking lips
e. Opening and shutting the mouth continuously.
Many mothers believe that a baby’s crying is the only indication of hunger. Yet in reality, it’s an indication of anxiety. Babies that are hungry will first display indicators of hunger before they start crying. It may be possible to stop your baby from crying if you are aware of and react to their early symptoms of hunger. Responding to your baby’s early hunger cues will help you avoid latching problems because it may be challenging to latch while the baby is crying.
Symptoms your baby is full
It’s crucial to let your baby breastfeed until they are full. Some of the signs of a full and satisfied baby are:
a. Baby “falls off” your breast or releases the breast
b. The baby is looking away from your nipple
c. Your baby opens their fist while their body relaxes
If your baby has finished feeding from one breast and seems full, try burping them and changing their diaper (if you need to) before giving them the other breast. Your baby could not be hungry any more if they don’t appear interested or latch on. During every feeding session, some newborns might feed from both sides, while others would only feed from one side. Both are normal.