
How to eliminate night feeding: tips for baby weaning

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What is night weaning

The goal of night weaning is to wean your baby from getting up in the middle of the night to eat. They will nurse or take a bottle for the first time as soon as they wake up in the morning, continue to nurse throughout the day (exactly like previously), and then stop breastfeeding just before going to bed.

As babies grow and their bellies can handle more milk, it’s common for them to stop getting night feedings. In a few lucky instances, babies wean naturally. However, in most cases, parents need to gently guide their little one to get them night weaned.

When to start night weaning

When babies are between 4 and 6 months old, they are able to sleep through the night, which is described as a six- to eight-hour period without feeding. Most babies in this age range weigh between 12 and 13 pounds, which is the point at which their metabolic needs for overnight feedings are fulfilled.

When you decide to stop giving your baby a night feed after they are the appropriate age and weight, it is entirely up to you.

Some parents start weaning their baby when they feel like it’s time to start taking back their sleep, while others watch for indications from their child, such as shorter nighttime feeds or fewer wakeups. No matter what, you should never begin night weaning before getting the go-ahead from your pediatrician.

Waiting or reducing back to one or two feeds per night may make you feel better.

By 5 or 6 months, a baby who wakes up to nurse overnight is generally not hungry (unless they aren’t eating enough during the day)—they are just used to munching and snuggling. Your baby may find it harder to give up such comforts as they get older.

Progressive or abrupt weaning

Experts advise against abruptly stopping night feedings. Following months of midnight snacking, your baby expects to be fed when they wake up. Getting rid of this habit slowly will make the transition easier for everyone and make you feel better if you’re nursing.

One method is to add 15–30 minutes between night feedings every other night. Your baby should sleep more and longer until they stop eating. You may also try reducing breast time or bottle ounces to shorten feedings. After a week, your baby should recognize that waking up to eat is no longer worth it.

Night weaning breastfed infants

Breastfed and bottle-fed newborns need time to acclimatize to night weaning. It might also affect your milk production if you’re breastfeeding. Breastfed babies can transfer smoothly with these tips:

Ensure your sweetheart eats plenty. Daytime calories reduce nighttime calorie needs. Breastfed babies under 6 months who haven’t begun solids should eat every two to three hours for eight to 12 feedings each day. Following that, five to six feedings a day are normal.

Stopping numerous midnight feedings at once causes engorged breasts and mastitis. It also lowers the milk supply. Instead, cut back one feeding at a time, giving your baby more time between feedings and giving them less milk each night. If your breasts feel full before bedtime or throughout the night, pumping might help ease the pressure.

Night-weaning bottle-fed infants

Bottle-fed infants can wean slowly, too. Making sure your child eats enough throughout the day to reduce nighttime snacking is the key to success.

Night-weaned babies consume 24 to 32 ounces each day. They may drink less milk after starting solids. They will drink less at night if they drink more throughout the day.

Night-weaning tips for all newborns

Dream feed baby

A final feeding before bed might help your baby sleep through the night. You’ll need to wake them up, but even if they are drowsy, it may help.

Nevertheless, eliminate the dream feed if it wakes them up, makes it hard for them to fall asleep, or gets them used to waking up to be fed.

Feed when necessary, but limit interactions

If your baby won’t fall asleep and you think they need to eat, feed them. But do it in a simple and quiet manner—keep the lights off (or dimmed), avoid talking, and don’t change their nappy until it’s dirty or too wet.

Some babies night-wean faster than others. If your baby is having trouble adjusting, slow down or take a break. Gradually reducing feedings and being consistent will help them learn the new pattern faster. Ask your pediatrician about your baby’s progress or if you have any questions.

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