However, it can be harmful in neonates, extremely young infants, pregnant women, and those with weakened immunity. In most cases, chickenpox is mild and does not require treatment.
Rarely is hospitalization might be necessary.
Children who have chicken pox typically have rashes of varying kinds and degrees. A 5- to 10-day illness is common. Rarely, it is accompanied by skin infections, pneumonia, and inflammation of the different brain and/or spinal cord structures.
The varicella vaccine can stop chickenpox and lower your baby’s risk of getting herpes zoster in the future. Thus, you should get your baby varicella vaccinated.
If given within 72 hours of exposure to a case of varicella, the varicella vaccine can also lower the risk of developing varicella.
As soon as your child is exposed to someone who has chickenpox, please call your doctor.